
Simply Wonderful.

Simple pictures hold simple beauties. I took these pictures in Berkley, right before you cross the bridge. It's a place many people drive everyday and sit and stare at or completely ignore while waiting for the light to change so they can cross the one lane bridge. I chose this location because while on their commute in the morning most people don't actually realize the stunning beauty that is right outside the window. In this photo O took a picture of one of the trees lining the road. The sun is just rising (since I too was commuting very early in the morning to get to Boston, but that’s a different story) which adds a nice effect behind the tree and give it wonderful side/ back lighting. The placement of the sun also cast beautiful shadows of the trees and gives definition and texture to the snow on the ground. I was maybe 20 feet from the tree and rather far from the island of trees in the middle of the pond. The snow back in the front creates a foreground while the focal tree creates a middle ground and the island of trees and the horizon create a background. My point of view is straight on which adds a layer or meaning because this is the exact view that so many people miss every single day.  It shows that if we just open our eyes and look around in the most common everyday places we will find that the everyday and mundane are simple wonderful.