
Looking Back

This is my sister. Shes 14 years old. She's kind of a pain in the butt but I love her all the same. In these pictures she's at a park that we call our secret spot. I think the park fits her personality because she loves to have fun and play and run around.  Her nickname is Pamagoose, and many of my friends only know her as Goose, so I thought it was fitting to capture the duck toy in the backround. I told her to go sit on this whale rocking toy, I'm not sure how to explain it, and ride back and forth. As she went back and forth I walked around her and took pictures from differant angles and differant distances. She started laughing and smiling and thats when I took this picture. I got lucky that she filled only that side of the frame and not the whole thing since, like I said, I liked the duck in the back.  The movement of her hair in the center of the picture creates a leading line to the duck and her faceis a sharp contrast to the back jacket and hair color as to create a good focal point. I think this picture shows who she is, a smiling, happy, silly goose of a sister.